Saturday, December 8, 2012

What is the big deal about Jesus?

A reason to rejoice. . .

  “What is the big deal about Jesus? Everybody talks Jesus and his big sacrifice for us, but what about God? Wasn't God the one who sent Jesus? I believe in God not Jesus. God is the main man,” said the lady at the door.
  I walked away from her in frustration. If the woman could not even see why Jesus was a “big deal” how could I ever hope to help her to salvation? But I, as usual, thought about her question all day. And a story developed in my mind. . .

   The woman felt a horrible blinding light. The light was brilliant and pure, eliminating any speck of darkness in that place. The woman almost felt as if the light could shoot through her skin and illuminate the darkness within her soul.
   She sensed a great deal of people and saw beings with wings that were not quite human, but the one being who riveted her attention was seated in a great throne. Everything within her resisted drawing close to the being, but she was drawn by a sensation that the being wanted her before him. He would not let her flee from his presence.
   “Come and make a defense for yourself,” He spoke.
   She walked forward, a huge terror invading her soul. She fell on her face before him. Her whole body trembled with fear.
   “Why have you bowed before me?”
   “Because I am unclean. I am a sinner. How can I stand before you?” She answered. She did not want to speak, but she knew that she must.
For all have sinned and
come short of the
glory of God. 
 ~Romans 3:23~

   “You have answered well. You are a sinner. How will you justify yourself to me?”
   “I—I have always believed in you, God. I—worshiped you alone. I believe that you are holy and that you are just. You are a good God.”
   “If I am just, then I will make a correct judgment for you. What judgment do you deserve according to the law?”
   The woman licked dry lips. She remembered her life—the lies to her parents, the money stolen from her job, the man that she had lusted after, the filthy thoughts, the betrayal of her friend, etc. She held her head in an effort to turn off the memories.
   “NO!” She screamed. She knew that the holy being before her had seen those sins. How could he accept a filthy person like her? He was pure, good, and holy. He was perfect. He stood up before her.
   “Enough. I have seen your life. You were a better than average person, but you were not perfect. I cannot accept you. You have violated my commands. What do you deserve? What does the law demand?”
    “The law demands death of the sinner. Blood must be shed to cover my sins.” She felt despair fill her. The despair of her soul was almost tangible enough to be tasted in her mouth.
    “I must fulfill the law,” said the being. “Take her away to the pit filled with everlasting fire.”
    “But I believed in you God! I believed in you!”

   I closed my eyes against the image of the woman being carried away. I tried to shove away the horrible image of the woman being thrown into the pit of fire. But then I thought of Jesus. And a new ending for the story developed in my mind.

   “The law demands death of the sinner. Blood must be shed to cover my sins.” She felt despair fill her. The despair of her soul was almost tangible like bile in her mouth. But, suddenly, the woman lying prostate on the floor heard a man speak. She turned her head and saw feet that she recognized. The feet had gaping holes in them, but they were not bleeding. The holes were healed and looked like oversized ear piercings.
   “She is a sinner, and she has no excuse, Father, except for one thing. She has claimed me as her Savior. She has accepted my death in place of her own death. But I defeated death by rising again. Is my blood enough to cover her sin? Is the penalty fulfilled?”
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.                                                             ~Romans 6:23~
   The woman reached out and grabbed the man's feet. She felt a spark of hope. And a memory that pushed aside all her other memories overwhelmed her mind. She remembered a time when she had believed that Jesus had died for her and she remembered asking Him to take her sins upon him.
   “Jesus. Yes. Yes! I have no hope but you,” murmured the woman.
   The being of light and truth and justice sat down upon his throne.
   “It is enough. You have satisfied the demands of the law. I will accept your death in place of her death.”
  What is the "big deal" about Jesus? He makes all the difference in the world. He is the only person that can save a sinner from the terrifying hands of a good and just God. Jesus is not only a "big deal", he is the "biggest deal".

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